It seems a double standard that in this society, where there is such a great emphasis placed on physical appearance, that people would try to inhibit a child from feeling confident about the way he or she chooses to look.  I believe that a change in necessary for these school systems that force their students to wear a uniform.  Making a school uniform optional is a good start.  Middle school and high school students have begun to take a stand and fight for the freedom to choose what they wear to school every day.  There are many web sites that you can visit to hear first hand from students that go to schools where a uniform is mandatory on how they feel and why they want to change their schools' old fashioned policies and provincial ways of thinking.  It is important that students who feel strongly about banning school uniforms take action in any way possible.  Students should write letters to the school board, sign petitions, and voice their opinions in order to fairly change their school policy.  This is not an over night process; however, by working together and cooperating, students and adults can come up with rules and regulations that make both sides feel comfortable.  It is only when students can be themselves that proper education can truly take place.

 It is important for educators to realize that if they think that by making every student wear the same thing to school they are creating an environment of equality, they are only fooling themselves.  Students will always find some way to stand out, whether it be a flashy pair of sneakers, excessive amounts of make-up, radical hair styles, or even body piercing and tatoos.  If students can not wear the clothing that they feel most comfortable in, they may even result to using self destructive methods to draw attention.
In conclusion, school uniforms present just as many problems as they do solutions, if not more. They place too much emphasis on appearance and they take away from individuality. Although uniforms sound like a good solution to many problems in school, it is not an effective method because it does not address the real problems that students face. Uniforms will not cure all of what is wrong in school systems. You can not get rid of social problems by simply dressing everyone the same. They will still be different people with different personalities and different views on life.

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